Channel: ChristineMyLinh
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: sketchbook helpways to fill your sketchbooktricks to fill a sketchbooksketchbook page ideasways to fill a sketchbooktips and tricks5 fun fall art and drawing ideashow to draw pumpkinsfirst sketchbookhow to start your sketchbookdrawing tips and tricksart journalwatercolorideas to fill your sketchbooktips to fill a sketchbookautumn drawing ideashow to art journaldrawingfall drawing ideasfirst page ideashow to drawsketchbook ideas
Description: It is Fall, the season of change, halloween, thanksgiving, beautiful colors, and more so why not dedicate some pages to capturing the season and filling up that sketchbook! I hope this video inspires you to just let go and create fearlessly. Have fun and tag me on instagram, I would love to see your work! __ \\SUPPLIES USED: Reeves Watercolor : Brushes ( Mainly 2 & 3/0 in two different sets) : and Sketchbook: __ \\ MORE TO WATCH: 3 Ways to Build Confidence | Journal Ideas How to Draw Flowers & Hand Letter | Basic Tips! How to use watercolor | Basic Beginner tips! __ \\ LET’S BE FRIENDS: Instagram: Etsy: __ \\ FAVORITE QUOTES: “Be kind to one another” - Ellen Degeneres “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas A. Edison “Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.” ~ Rikki Rogers __ \\ DEALS FOR YOU: Get $40 off your Airbnb Stay: __